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where and when

Start with fertile well-drained soil, in a nice sunny spot, which receives at least 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight. Dahlia tubers are planted in the Spring after all chances of frost have passed. Ideal planting temperature is around 60 °F (16°C).


Before planting your tubers make a solid plan for how you are going to support your big beautiful bloom filled plants. Several options are available so research to find which one works best for your growing space!

Plant tubers by placing them on their side, 4 to 6 inches deep with 9-12 inch spacing, eye facing up.  If you are unable to locate the eye don’t worry the sprouting stem will find its way up! Do not water until sprouts begin to break through the soil’s surface. Dahlia tubers can take 3 to 5 weeks before they begin peeking out of the soil’s surface, so wait patiently.

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 Once plants reach around 12 inches tall, pinch the top off just above the highest leaf pair. This will encourage new side shoots and promote a stronger plant. Branching will provide more sites for blooming.

 I like to spoil my plants once a week during the early growing season with compost tea. I use compost tea bags, which you can order online. These ready-made compost tea bags can be tossed in 1 gallon bucket of cold water and allowed to sit overnight. Early the following morning, the spent tea bag can be tossed into your compost bin and the nutrient rich tea is ready to apply.  I spritz the leaves and stems of my dahlia plants.  The plants will soak in the wonderful nutrients of the compost tea, which helps them grown into strong healthy plants, helping to boost their defense against garden pests.  Once buds begin to appear on my plants, I stop spritzing and switch to watering with compost tea at the base of the plant once a week.

 A moisture meter will help you gauge your soil water needs, and help determine how often to water your plants throughout the season!

The more dahlias you harvest, the more they will bloom!


Happy planting and have a wonderful growing season!